Mapex Precious Metal Phosphor Bronze Snare Drum Reviews 5

Mapex Precious Metal Phosphor Bronze Snare Drum 13 x 5.5 I purchased this drum as a used demo model through the internet. I paid a very reasonable $ 140 [ US ] for the drum and the drum that arrived at my house was in mint condition, not a scratch on it, with only a very small amount of wear on the Remo Weatherking Coated Ambassador head.

I am a big fan of 13 inch snare drums and recommend that all drummers give them a try. I prefer the 13 inch size because I believe it fits more appropriately with my size kit [ 16x20, 8x8,10x10,14x12 - a 1997 Pearl Prestige Session Select / Maple and Mahagony shells ] and I like the ³tighter, more focused² sound of that particular size snare. It helps a great deal to have more depth, 5.5 -7 inches, with such snares as the depth offsets any potential loss of ³volume² associated with more traditional 14 inch snares. To me most Steel drums are very sharp, metallic and at times unforgiving, sometimes lacking the warmth that I desire from my snare. Brass also possesses a very sharp edge but does offer mellow overtones. In my opinon the drum is very attractive, combining the winning colours of the gold shell and black rims. Very classy. I choose the Mapex Bronze drum because it has the cutting edge of a metal snare, while at the same time the inherient tonal qualities of bronze offer the warm timbre of a very hard wood shell - the best of both worlds, if such a thing is possible. [ another drum that I found had this legitimate metal/wood similarity was the Pearl Marvin ŒSmittyı Smith 14x4 Copper drum - it was just not deep enogh for me - but a terrific drum nonetheless ] I love the rimshots on this drum - nice, very woody sounding cracks and playing a stroke hard near the rim itself brings out the metal in this drum, very cutting. I play a lot of reggae and feel that it fits perfectly for the music and my kit. Most old-school reggae drummers use metal snares. One thing that might be a little decieving about this drum is the volume. As the drummer playing above the drum you might not notice how loud it really is, but have someone else play it while you stand back and listen, you can appreciate the volume that propels itself from this 13 inch snare. Certainly louder than a brass snare of comparable size. The drum is also very sensitive and will offer up some nice sounds when one plays ghost notes and more subtle, gentle strokes. The drum fit the requirements I was looking for - the cutting, bright sound of metal combined with ³woody² overtones and adequate punch. It offers cracking rimshots and has a very focused sound. A well-rounded drum that offers versitility. Worth every penny I spent.

Any ³dislikes² I have are totally minor - the Black Chrome plating on the drum is showing a little wear on the top rim but only because I play a lot of cross-stick. Everything else is rock-solid. So far this drum has yet to go out of tune on me and only requires a little adjustment every few weeks. The drum is hefty, I donıt have a scale around, but I would guess it weighs about 10 pounds....where is my Sherpa ?

The Mapex snare is constructed of a 1.2 mm Phosphor Bronze shell with 2.3 mm Powerhoops plated in Black Chrome. The snare release is a very easy side throw, no problems there. The drum also has two tension adjustment knobs on both the release and butt end. . I was seeking a versitile drum that enhanced my natural preference for metal without sacrificing the great warm ³crack² that can be found on agreeable wood snares. In my opinon the drum is very attractive, combining the winning colours of the gold shell and black rims. Very classy.

Nice, unique blend of metal and wood snare sounds...yeah sounds too good to be true, but it really works with this snare. Sounds great live and in the studio. 13 inch size keeps it from being overpowering. This drum will be with me for years.

unseenguest rated this unit 5 on 2003-12-01.

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